Friday, September 11, 2009

It's OK, Son, Everybody does it!

when Patience was six years old, his father was caught speeding. the officer asked him,''do you want to pay the gorvernment or to me?". his father, Efficient, handed over his drivering licence together with a twenty ringgit note. "It's OK son", he said as they drove off, "Everybody does it".

when Patience was eight, his father was discussing with his mother about income tax returns. his comment,"I will not declare the income I receive from my evening lectures or rental income", caught the attention of Patience. "It's OK son", he said, "Everybody does it".

when Patience was nine, his mother took him to an entertainment fair. keen to try his hand on the "bumper car", she tried to secure tickets for him. alas it was a long wait. she approached the information desk and requested assistance, placing a ten ringgit note and remarking "Keep the change". "It's OK son", she said, "Everybody does it".

when Patience was eleven, he borrowed his father's expensive watch for a camping trip. Patience lost it as it dropped off his hand during a mountain climbing session. his father reported to the insurance company that it was stolen and collected two hundred ringgit. "It's OK son", he said, "Everybody does it".

when Patience was fifteen, he took a keen interest in football. his coach told him that as a full-back, he had to defend and prevent the other side from scoring. "If you cannot get the ball, go for his leg", said the coach. "It's OK boy", he said, "Everybody does it".

when Patience was eighteen, he took a part-time job in a hotel. he was a helper in the food and beverages department. the manager said, "All remaining food for today will be served as part of the buffet for tomorrow". the manager told a startled Patience, "It's OK man. Everybody does it".

when Patience was nineteen, he was approched by friends who offered him answers to the final examinations. he used his savings and paid two thousand ringgit. they told him, "It's OK dude. Everybody does it".

Patience was caught in possession of these question papers. he was sent home in disgrace. "How could you do this to your mother and me?" his father asked. "You never learnt anything like this at home". all his relatives were shocked.

If there is one thing the adult world cannot stand, it is a kid who cheats...

(adapted from the original jack griffin, chicago times)